Thursday, October 28, 2010

Day 11 - Another picture of you and your friends

Day 11 - Another picture of you and your friends
This picture that I am going to add is actually of one of my really good friends that is pretty much like family. I have known her for a while and I spend quite a bit of time with her at work and out of work. Her name is Jeanine. The picture is about her taking us to Red Butte Garden (Garden after Dark). This is something that the girls love to do and Jeanine makes it happen every year! The garden is decorated for Halloween, the kids get to dress up, do crafts and this year they had a bunch for the kids to do. The picture is Jeanine helping Jaycee create a vampire on her pumpkin. The kids got to pick out a pumpkin and paint it. So cute! I know she hates pictures but I love her so much and I had to do it. (Yes, Neeners you can kill me later). This was the first time Amaya got to participate, the last couple of years, I didn't want to drag her out in the cold knowing that I would end up carrying her the whole time. I waited til she was older. Jaycee on the other hand has went every year, this is one of her favorite events she gets to attend, I think her favorite part is all the activities, but after we go to McCools, and all I heard was about their Macaroni and Cheese wedges. Her favorite. It's some good times. We got to enjoy the time with Maria Suchil and Jeanine. I love you guys, thank you for making this a wonderful event. I know the girls and I really appreciate it and look forward to this.

Day 12 - How you found out about blogs and why you made one

I found out about blogging through my Aunt Sherry, she was telling me one day about a friend of hers that would blog and then at the end of the year she would have the blog printed up as a scrapbook. This kinda interested me and it made me think, but I really didn't put one together until I read a friend at works blog., this was such an interesting girl that is so cute and works with us, but it really got to me when I started reading about what happened to her daughter. It made me sad to read it, she inspired me through her writing, and thats how it came about. I thought hmmm maybe this would be good to keep people (friends and family) informed about what is going on in our day to day life and have some updated pictures of the family. We have family all over the world. Some in Idaho, San Francisco, NJ, NY, the Phillipines and then other places as well, so I figured when they wanted to check in on us this would be an easy way.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Oh Snow Snow Please Go Away Fast!

For the last couple of days we have gotten snow. The first day it was okay, it came and went. This one today, argh the roads are wet, it's cold, it's miserable...... But if you are children what does this mean????? Play time. Yep you guessed it, the girls were up getting their snow suits on, their heavy coats, beanies and they were out the door. The only thing that they dont have are snow boots. I need to go get them some that fit. Every year they outgrow all the winter stuff so we get the priveledge of buying new stuff yippee... Boy winter stuff can get expensive, good thing I have two girls and the second one always gets the hand me downs. It was so cute. We then went and picked up the other kids to take them to school, they were out building a snow man or girl (Don't know yet, it's not finished), the last one they made was a girl and her name was Jeanine. It was awesome, considering I have a wonderful friend name Jeanine. The girls will probably have one made in our yard soon. I will update pics of them all dressed in their snow gear!!

Day 10 - Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad

Songs that I listen to? I don't really have any specific ones. I do like "The Danger Zone" (soundtrack to Top Gun), I jam this song and yep I drive really fast. A song when I am sad would have to be the song they played at my grandpas funeral ("You lift me up" by Josh Groben) or the one by Carrie Underwood ("Temporary Home"). Good songs, but sad. When I am mad and I hear that one song (I hate everything about you" oh yeah that one just makes me extra mad, or the "Bitch Song" by Merideth Brooks love it. Hmm... When I am happy it can just be any song, doesn't really matter. And when I am bored I love to just turn on the music and have little Amaya and Jaycee start singing and it makes my day. Rock band is a favorite in my house!!!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Day 09 - Something you’re proud of in the past few days

I am really proud of being able to donate my time to friends and family. I don't have money I can give them, but I do donate alot of my time to helping them with fundraisers, moving, any thing that I have outgrown (baby stuff) ect. I am pretty proud when they ask and I can do things to help out, it really makes me feel good. Lately its been more about friends that I am helping more than family, but I am always there when either needs me.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Day 08 - Short term goals for this month and why

The list of my short term goals for this month.
1: Try to eat less sugar and exercise more. (I got a bunch of peanut butter M&M's for my birthday, so the less sugar thing is out the door).
2: Keep up on this blog for the next 30 days, just to see if I can do it or not.
3: Try to get out of my house on time so that we can pick up the other kids and take them all to school a the same time.
4: Try to be more patient with my kids and husband, I know that they try hard to make me happy.
5: Get through training for my new temporary position without complaining.
Okay that is enough goals for one month lol!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Day 07 - A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you

Wow something or someone who inspires me. I have quite a bit of people and things that inspire me. My friends, my family of course, and then there is the greater power that also is there. I am not very religious, but I do believe that there is someone greater than any of us out there. I do believe because of all that my family and friends have been through and the stories they have told. I do pray sometimes, not as much as I should but I am always thinking of that person high in the sky. I do thank him for all the things he has done for all of us, sometimes I can't believe that he lets some stuff happen, but thats not my call

Day 06 - Favorite super hero and why

This family is my favorite super heros because they still have their little powers, they still get into michief and yet they stay a family and they do things together. I like it, makes me think of a normal family when you work together you can do things better and overcome anything.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Day 05 - A picture of somewhere you’ve been to

Well we just got back from Lake Powell so I am just waiting to get some current pictures, I already have pictures on here from Vegas, and San Francisco that we went to earlier this year!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Days 3 & 4 combined!

Day 03 - A picture of you and your friends
Yes I am a slacker, I didn't get a chance to update yesterday. I am trying to get as much time in as possible at work so I can have some money! I went home last night and crashed on my bed and fell asleep til morning. Can you say Tired? I will update a picture I promise tonight. The one I have in mind is actually from Junior High. I am still friends and still keep in contact with the girls in this picture, I just need to find it and scan it.
Day 04 - A habit that you wish you didn’t have
Hmm this is not a tough question, because I have lots of habits that I wish I didn't have. Maybe we will just go down the list....
1: Twirling my hair, yes I have picked this dirty habit up from my mother and now I can't stop. Whats really bad is now little Amaya is picking it up to. At night you will see her twirl her hair to go to sleep. This habit drives Rhandie crazy!
2: I am a candy freak and so is Amaya, I have trained her well. We need to have sweets. Even in the morning, when I stop to get coffee (with lots of vanilla creamer and lots of sugar), my little mini me has to have her slurperee(slurpee) in the mornings. Yep we even slipped a couple of times and got her the coke one. Bad mommy!
3: Jealousy, I know I hate to admit this one but I am a very jealous girl. IF I even think you have something for my cute little hubby, I have no problem putting you in your place. I know this is something I wish I didn't have and believe me Rhandie would like this to disappear too.
Hmm maybe thats it, unless I have something else in the future I can think of.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Day 02 - The meaning behind your Blog name

This one is a plain jane answer... My blog name says it all inthelifeoftheubans, yep just to give friends and family info about whats going on in our day to day life. When I have time to update the stuff and if I have the new pictures updated on my computer. This 30 day challenge is really going to keep me current, maybe I should do this a little more often.
Other than that little piece of our blog name and what its about, lets update on the new info we are going through.
Jaycee has been out of school for the last couple of weeks, she is happy, and we are enjoying our time with her being off. She gets to go entertain Amaya at Lolas house and occasionally she gets to spend time with her friend TJ.
Amaya is growing like a weed, she loves to spend time with her sister and mom and dad. She is currently into doing the "Black Rosary" this month with Lola. They are having fun with it! She is very entertaining and can't wait to be big like Jaycee so she can do all the same things.
Rhandie has been really busy with school. He went back to get a Business Degree with the Pheonix College. He is doing really well and so far is getting A's. Go honey.
I on the other hand am just trying to keep it all together. Right now I am doing what everyone else is doing and trying to put in more hours at work, considering Christmas is coming up. All the kids love it, this is their favorite holiday and the parents on the other hand dread it. Christmas comes so fast and leaves as fast as it comes, the only thing is, is that you are so broke after wards. Your bank account never recovers after the Holidays. Oh well what ever makes our kids happy we do right?

That is what we are up to. Nothing really crazy or dramatic just living the life of the ubans!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Kendra you have inspired me once again!

This little (BIG) challenge that a friend of mine is doing sounded kinda fun, so I thought I would try it on my blog and see if I can stick to it. I know I usually don't get past the first couple of days on these things, so we will see if its something I can finish. It's a 30 day blog challenge. Yes write about this stuff for the next 30 days. Here it goes, this is the agenda!

Day 01 - A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself
Day 02 - The meaning behind your Blog name
Day 03 - A picture of you and your friends
Day 04 - A habit that you wish you didn’t have
Day 05 - A picture of somewhere you’ve been to
Day 06 - Favorite super hero and why
Day 07 - A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you
Day 08 - Short term goals for this month and why
Day 09 - Something you’re proud of in the past few days
Day 10 - Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad
Day 11 - Another picture of you and your friends
Day 12 - How you found out about blogs and why you made one
Day 13 - A letter to someone who has hurt you recently
Day 14 - A picture of you and your family
Day 15 - Put your iPod on shuffle: First 10 songs that play
Day 16 - Another picture of yourself
Day 17 - Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
Day 18 - Plans/dreams/goals you have
Day 19 - Nicknames you have; why do you have them
Day 20 - Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future
Day 21 - A picture of something that makes you happy
Day 22 - What makes you different from everyone else
Day 23 - Something you crave for a lot
Day 24 - A letter to your parents
Day 25 - What I would find in your bag
Day 26 - What you think about your friends
Day 27 - Why are you doing this 30 day challenge
Day 28 - A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?
Day 29 - In this past month, what have you learned
Day 30 - Who are you?

So for my day 1 an interesting picture of myself, hmmm I am at work and now I am going to have to find something or maybe post it tonight.
The 15 interesting facts about me hmm.....

1-I am a mother of two beautiful girls who I have managed to keep alive
2-I kill all living things, mostly plants, fish and frogs thats why I said I am glad that my kids are still alive lol
3-I love gory stuff, blood and guts excite me.
4-I am an ambulance/firetruck chaser, I have to know whats going on.
5- I can have a really crude sense of humor, yes I have learned it from some of my friends!
6-You can't get any whiter than me!
7- If you fall I will laugh and then pick you up, but first I will get my humor out of it.
8-I am not a prissy girl. I mow the lawn, I scoop up dog poo and horse poo, and clean up all my kids messes. I think I learned not to be grossed out when I did my CNA training.
9- I have mad road rage. Yes, my dad says that I need to stop, but that would mean that people would have to stop pissing me off.
10-I can talk! Okay alot.
11-If you are having a bad day come over sit next to me and I know I will do something dumb to chear you up, its the blondness.
12-I tip over when I am on my motorcycle, I run into walls,doors, just about anything, I fall down stairs, I am a very clumsy girl.
13- hmmm what else? I love to do crafts, but I hardly ever stick to one thing. I will have multiple things going on at any given time.
14-I could eat cookie dough, brownie mix, cake mix batter all gone without cooking it.
15- I use to be a skinny little thing with no stretch marks and be a really quiet girl before I got married and had kids, now I am sorry to say I am anything but little with stretch marks and I am very talkative. You will know when I am around.

I hope this gives you a laugh, just remember its all TRUE!!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Justin and Karenza for the most amazing Lake Powell Trip Ever!!

Yes we went to the amazing Lake Powell and we were in aww! My little brother Justin(not so little anymore, he towers over me)and his girlfriend Karenza are working down there (I don't think we will ever get them to come home). Anyways they hooked us up with an awesome houseboat and speedboat for 7 days. The houseboat was litterally home away from home. It had three full bedrooms a full kitchen, two bathrooms a living room and then also an upstairs bar and slide. Talk about fun!!! The girls were in heaven, loved the water, swam like fish, and slept really good, all I can say is perfect! They also loved being out on the speed boat, we spent alot of time kneeboarding, wakeboarding, tubing, fishing, and sun tanning. Every morning Jaycee got up got her swimming clothes on and was ready to jump in the water, Amaya soon followed her footsteps and they would both be out most of the time before breakfast. The whole family had a blast. Justin and Karenza were awesome entertainment, they helped with everything including the kids and Jaycee was even begging us to leave her there so that they could be her parents lol. Wow, I was a little hurt, but you know Jaycee living by water, having a boat whenever you want, tubbing, and fishing what else would she want right? That is a Jaycee for you! I did try and talk Justin into keeping the girls and he politly said NO, ha ha ha okay I will try again next time. My parents were there as well as Jeff, Lisa and AJ. We all had the best time. We did catch a lot of fish and the girls had a great time catching them with Jaycee's scooby do fishing pole and Amaya's barbie fishing pole, I think they had the best luck of all, I did end up taking over the barbie pole at the end of the trip. Rhandie said if I am a good girl he will get me one of my own! You know hunny my birthday is coming up lol. This was Rhandie and Amaya's first time to Lake Powell and you should have seen their face when we finally got there. It was exciting!! Karenza took some amazing pictures I will post as soon as I get them back from her, and you can see how much enjoyment we all had.
Maybe next year we will get to do it again!!! Thank you to my brother and Karenza for making this happen, there is no way we would have been able to do this without you! Not to mention you both have some awesome tans going on. We love you guys so much and can't wait to see you soon!!!!