Can you believe my baby girl is 10 years old today? I can't either, I remember like it was yesterday giving birth to her. She woke me up this morning wanted to open her presents like it was Christmas Day. Where has the time gone? I want to keep her small, I want to keep her innocent, but I am afraid that she is developing more and more into a young lady everyday. Here is a little bit of background info on the day she was born......
It was later in the night on the 27Th that I was feeling my belly tighten, I had no idea that these were in fact contractions. I lay ed down because I was tired, but couldn't sleep because of the tightening. So I just lay ed there, and rested. Later on about midnight they started getting stronger and to the point that I couldn't lay down anymore, so I started pacing the floor. My parents had gone to bed and I was the only one up. Finally Clint woke up my parents to let them know what was going on and I still insisted that we stay home for a while to see what happens. My mom and dad were just watching me pace the floor, until it got to the point that the contractions started getting painful. My dad insisted that we not have a home birth and maybe would be a good idea to get me to the hospital. As we were driving the contractions started coming faster and were not fun, I was trying to breath and focus, but man that was difficult to do. When we got to the hospital they checked me and I found out that I was in labor, she was coming. My primary Dr. was not on call that night, and I was determined to wait for him. I was having a hard time because it was painful and my mom and cousin talked me into an epidural (of course with a huge fight, with me crying, because I was such a baby about needles). When the epidural was inserted, it didn't kick in fast enough and a huge contraction hit me. Needless to say the poor anesthesiologist almost got his arm broken because I wasn't feeling better after I let him stick this huge needle in my back. He then administered the meds and wow oh wow, I was in heaven, didn't feel a thing. I even took a nap! Thank God for Drugs (legal ones of course). I lay there letting them check me telling me that I am progressing and that she will be born soon. My dad, my brother Justin, Mom, and Cousin Brandy sit waiting, waiting, and waiting, all night long, in those uncomfortable hospital chairs all night long. They did so well! At about 6 AM in the morning they finally give me the okay to push, so I start and then they tell me to stop that the Dr needs to be paged because she is coming. At 6:36 Am my Dr runs in to catch Jaycee Jordan Hedberg! He got on call at 6:30 Am and 6 min later she was born. What an awesome Christmas present. They brought her back to us in a stocking, with a little hat on. She was 7 1/2 lbs and perfect...... Now 10 years later she is no baby, actually a little woman!!
Happy Birthday baby girl! I love you so much and am truly bless to have you as my daughter!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
PUG update again!
Yeah Lola is finally home, she is doing so well. We got news on Tuesday night that we could pick her up, under certain restrictions. She is on oral antibiotics and pain meds and has to go back in 5 days to be checked out again. Justin and Karenza are taking awesome care of her, he has to carry her up to the couch and off, also down the stairs because he doesn't want her jumping or over doing it. Its so cute watching them, he even sleeps on the ground with her because he doesn't want her jumping on or off the bed. We also went to see the puppy again. Isis is doing really well, she is chunking out pretty good, Traci is making sure to feed her alot and stimulate her often. Isis is getting pretty spoiled, kinda like a newborn, she doesn't want you to put her down. I know they are very loved and I am so happy they are both now healthy. Just waiting for one day that they will be together.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Lola the Pug and Puppy Update
My brother is such a great daddy! He went to visit Lola when he got into town and then again last night and spent a couple of hours with her. He got her to eat a full bowl of food and took her out to go potty, he even brought Lola's nurses some donuts to give them a sugar fix and to tell them how thankful he is for them taking such great care of her. Lola is doing very well, she is still on IV fluids and antibiotics, but I think it really brings her up to see Justin. We are going to go see her today again and see what the game plan is. Justin and Karenza got to also snuggle with the little puppy last night for a little bit and they are thinking of naming her Isis after the Greek Goddess. Here is some info about what the name means:
Isis or in original more likely Aset (Ancient Greek: Ἶσις) was a goddess in Ancient Egyptian religious beliefs, whose worship spread throughout the Greco-Roman world. She was worshiped as the ideal mother and wife as well as the matron of nature and magic. She was the friend of slaves, sinners, artisans, and the downtrodden, and she listened to the prayers of the wealthy, maidens, aristocrats, and rulers.[1] Isis is the goddess of motherhood, magic and fertility.
The goddess Isis (the mother of Horus) was the first daughter of Geb, god of the Earth, and Nut, the goddess of the Overarching Sky, and was born on the fourth intercalary day. At some time Isis and Hathor had the same headdress. In later myths about Isis, she had a brother, Osiris, who became her husband, and she then was said to have conceived Horus. Isis was instrumental in the resurrection of Osiris when he was murdered by Set. Her magical skills restored his body to life after she gathered the body parts that had been strewn about the earth by Seth.[2] This myth became very important in later Egyptian religious beliefs.
Isis is also known as protector of the dead and goddess of children from whom all beginnings arose. In later times, the Ancient Egyptians believed that the Nile River flooded every year because of her tears of sorrow for her dead husband, Osiris. This occurrence of his death and rebirth was relived each year through rituals. The worship of Isis eventually spread throughout the Greco-Roman world, continuing until the suppression of paganism in the Christian era.
That being said I think its perfect for that little girl puppy. He picks awesome names that mean a lot and it took him a while to come up with this because he wanted her name to be perfect.
The Dr. said this morning that Lola is doing well and they are going to do blood work again at 6 PM tonight and then we will go from there if she can come home or if she will have to stay another night. Just waiting but we want to make sure we do what is best for her and the puppy regardless of the cost. I love you bud, and I am so thankful that you take such good care of her. I wouldn't want her in better hands than you! I know that this is so hard for you, but just know that you always have her best interest in mind and you are such a wonderful daddy.
Isis or in original more likely Aset (Ancient Greek: Ἶσις) was a goddess in Ancient Egyptian religious beliefs, whose worship spread throughout the Greco-Roman world. She was worshiped as the ideal mother and wife as well as the matron of nature and magic. She was the friend of slaves, sinners, artisans, and the downtrodden, and she listened to the prayers of the wealthy, maidens, aristocrats, and rulers.[1] Isis is the goddess of motherhood, magic and fertility.
The goddess Isis (the mother of Horus) was the first daughter of Geb, god of the Earth, and Nut, the goddess of the Overarching Sky, and was born on the fourth intercalary day. At some time Isis and Hathor had the same headdress. In later myths about Isis, she had a brother, Osiris, who became her husband, and she then was said to have conceived Horus. Isis was instrumental in the resurrection of Osiris when he was murdered by Set. Her magical skills restored his body to life after she gathered the body parts that had been strewn about the earth by Seth.[2] This myth became very important in later Egyptian religious beliefs.
Isis is also known as protector of the dead and goddess of children from whom all beginnings arose. In later times, the Ancient Egyptians believed that the Nile River flooded every year because of her tears of sorrow for her dead husband, Osiris. This occurrence of his death and rebirth was relived each year through rituals. The worship of Isis eventually spread throughout the Greco-Roman world, continuing until the suppression of paganism in the Christian era.
That being said I think its perfect for that little girl puppy. He picks awesome names that mean a lot and it took him a while to come up with this because he wanted her name to be perfect.
The Dr. said this morning that Lola is doing well and they are going to do blood work again at 6 PM tonight and then we will go from there if she can come home or if she will have to stay another night. Just waiting but we want to make sure we do what is best for her and the puppy regardless of the cost. I love you bud, and I am so thankful that you take such good care of her. I wouldn't want her in better hands than you! I know that this is so hard for you, but just know that you always have her best interest in mind and you are such a wonderful daddy.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Ready for Christmas!
Bring it on, every thing is wrapped, sealed and ready to deliver. I am so excited this year for the girls. I know I do go way overboard and they get alot but hey it only comes once a year right? Even though the girls could be better through out the year Santa still makes his visit. The kids are stoked and I know that I shouldn't have put any presents under the tree, because little Amaya everyday asks if she can open them. She doesn't yet understand why. They are just a tease for her.
As for another thing that we are hoping for this Christmas is the health for Lola dog to come back. This little pug has had a rough couple of days. She had a litter of puppies (7 Total), and it was over a course of 2 1/2 days. I was begging for them (my brothers dad) to take her to the vet and find out if she is okay and everything came out. Her puppies kept dying and they had no explanation why. Well I did talk to Traci (who is very knowledgable about puppies and animals) and she advised me that lola needed to be looked at and also all the puppies checked out. I told this to Justins dad and he advised us he knew what he was doing. Well the puppies just kept dying, by Sat there were only 4 puppies left and one was pretty much lifeless. He was pretty much the biggest jerk when we showed up at the house looking to see Lola and the puppies, it was his wife at first that told us absolutly not that we couldn't see them and today wasn't a good day, come back another day. My mom however wasn't taking this answer very well and persisted. So here comes her ex to the door acting like an ass and looked straight at me telling me that " I needed to calm down", umm okay I didn't really say anything in the first place. Finally my mom begged and they let lola out and we did get to see her. Dan (brothers dad) finally let us in to see the puppies, and thats how we discovered their condition. I asked him if she was going to die and he said " No, She isn't going to die" really rudely. Needless to say when I left I was really upset and said a bunch of stuff I really didn't mean.
On Sunday we got the text that two more babies had died, we were now at only two living puppies. I was furious, I was throwing a fit and telling them to hand over the dog and the two puppies so I could get them to the vet. Finally Justin talked his dad into giving them to my mom. When my mom came to pick them up they called her every name in the book and then shoved the box that had the 3 of them in it at her and almost made her fall down the stairs. We got them to the Vet and after a finally review found out that poor lola is extremely sick. They took out her uterus and found out that it was about to rupture in two separate places and if she would have stayed one more day she would have died. They also found out that by being so sick she also had a leakage in her abdomen that they were worried about an infection. She is at the Animal Hospital, cut open with IV antibiotics and IV fluid, while Traci is bottle feeding her last puppy and trying to get it healthy. They are worried about Lola developing Sepsis so they are keeping her another night. I am furious, I don't even know what I would say to Dan if I had the chance all I know is right now I totally hate him, I don't think HATE is a strong enough word for how I feel. I just hope that he really feels bad for creating this and all he had to do is spend 30$ and 1 Vet visit later to find out that this all could have been avoided by a c-section!!!! Over 1600$ later and on full support, we are praying she makes it through this without getting sepsis! Please pray for Lola and her puppy!
As for another thing that we are hoping for this Christmas is the health for Lola dog to come back. This little pug has had a rough couple of days. She had a litter of puppies (7 Total), and it was over a course of 2 1/2 days. I was begging for them (my brothers dad) to take her to the vet and find out if she is okay and everything came out. Her puppies kept dying and they had no explanation why. Well I did talk to Traci (who is very knowledgable about puppies and animals) and she advised me that lola needed to be looked at and also all the puppies checked out. I told this to Justins dad and he advised us he knew what he was doing. Well the puppies just kept dying, by Sat there were only 4 puppies left and one was pretty much lifeless. He was pretty much the biggest jerk when we showed up at the house looking to see Lola and the puppies, it was his wife at first that told us absolutly not that we couldn't see them and today wasn't a good day, come back another day. My mom however wasn't taking this answer very well and persisted. So here comes her ex to the door acting like an ass and looked straight at me telling me that " I needed to calm down", umm okay I didn't really say anything in the first place. Finally my mom begged and they let lola out and we did get to see her. Dan (brothers dad) finally let us in to see the puppies, and thats how we discovered their condition. I asked him if she was going to die and he said " No, She isn't going to die" really rudely. Needless to say when I left I was really upset and said a bunch of stuff I really didn't mean.
On Sunday we got the text that two more babies had died, we were now at only two living puppies. I was furious, I was throwing a fit and telling them to hand over the dog and the two puppies so I could get them to the vet. Finally Justin talked his dad into giving them to my mom. When my mom came to pick them up they called her every name in the book and then shoved the box that had the 3 of them in it at her and almost made her fall down the stairs. We got them to the Vet and after a finally review found out that poor lola is extremely sick. They took out her uterus and found out that it was about to rupture in two separate places and if she would have stayed one more day she would have died. They also found out that by being so sick she also had a leakage in her abdomen that they were worried about an infection. She is at the Animal Hospital, cut open with IV antibiotics and IV fluid, while Traci is bottle feeding her last puppy and trying to get it healthy. They are worried about Lola developing Sepsis so they are keeping her another night. I am furious, I don't even know what I would say to Dan if I had the chance all I know is right now I totally hate him, I don't think HATE is a strong enough word for how I feel. I just hope that he really feels bad for creating this and all he had to do is spend 30$ and 1 Vet visit later to find out that this all could have been avoided by a c-section!!!! Over 1600$ later and on full support, we are praying she makes it through this without getting sepsis! Please pray for Lola and her puppy!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Wonderful Winter Storm!
We thought that on Sunday we were going to be able to hang out watch football, maybe play in the snow and just chill, yeah that all turned around when we woke up to discover that the winter storm had knocked down a bunch of tree branches all over our driveway. We had this huge willow tree in our front yard, actually it was so big that it was our house marker. We told everyone who was coming over to our house just to look for the white house with red trim and it had a huge umbrella looking tree in the front. So much for our marker! Here is how the story goes: On Saturday night we came into our driveway to find some branches hanging, not broken just hanging really far down. The weather didn't get cold enough to drop the leaves, so it was like a car wash pulling into the garage. I hated that tree, I wished that we would have cut it down with the others last year. What a mess, so here we are on a Sunday morning calling my poor dad (who thought he would get a relaxing day) to come over with his chain saw to cut it down. Our original plan was to just cut down the branches that broke, but after we got started decided that a couple more storms and we would have another mess to clean up, so might as well cut down the entire tree. Little Amaya did come out and play in the snow for a while, until she got too cold and went inside to entertain herself. She was a little trooper, she stayed inside for like 2 hrs just peeking outside once in a while to make sure we were still there. My mom came to get her so that she could play and not have to be by herself. Just like I said before, my parents and in laws are the best, there is no way we would be able to survive without them. There we were in the cold, cutting down this huge tree, lugging wood and sweating. Not fun, but needless to say that everyone was a good sport and got the job done. Now on the side of my house, all you can see is branches, and logs of wood all over. We look like the biggest hillbillies. Who needs to put up a fence when you have a bunch of branches blocking the side? And then I was thinking,k wow that is going to be a heaven for a bunch of mice, yep getting a cat for Christmas. I actually think that Traci would be more than happy to lend me some of hers. We just have to worry about spring time when the big dumpsters come, that is going to be another nice day of cleanup. I will post pictures soon of all the mess!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Day out with the Witches, One hot Hubby and Friends!
I am kind of contradicting myself, I hear Christmas music on the radio and it drives me crazy, however my Christmas lights are up on my house and I make sure to turn them on every night. Weird, yes, but I still feel like time is running out and it will be here before you know it. Its kinda like the feeling of going shopping on Halloween and seeing Christmas stuff up at the stores and all the Halloween stuff is marked down. Hello, its still Halloween time and it hasn't even passed yet. Or going shopping in the middle of summer and the stores start putting out fall clothing, how are you suppose to find a swimming suit when all that's there is long sleeved shirts and pants. I just don't get it, maybe they are a little too antsy and want to put all the stuff out immediately.
It will be Turkey time soon and I am excited!
Hubby is cooking at our house this year and he is such a wonderful cook.
He really wants a TerDukIn (Turkey,Duck,Chicken) all in one, I have never had one so it will be interesting. However I do love turkey and chicken, the duck part and I not sold on yet.
I will help him with the sides, so anything out of a box I can make. And of course the awesome Costco pumpkin pie, if you haven't had one of these you are missing out. I do miss the really chocolate cream cheese pie that my Aunt Sherry makes too, so maybe I will have to venture out of my box recipes and make this one this year.
The thing I am really going to miss is the Black Friday with Aunt Sherry this year. Last year we had so much fun, I was totally beat when it was all over but the two of us pulled an all night er with quite a few of those 5 hr energy shots and made it to all of the places we wanted!! She is a shopper. I think that all my Idahoian family are shoppers! I love you guys and we will miss you this year. We are trying to talk Aunt Linda into a Christmas party at her house this year to get everyone together, we will see if it happens.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Girls, Girls, Girls
Everyone knows my household is full of estrogen. Poor Rhandie is the only guy, and he is stuck with 3 girls everyday. Lately its been kinda alot of drama drama drama. The girls are whiney, they fight, and at the same time they just laugh or do something silly and it melts your heart. All I can say is for the last little while we have been thinking about trying for a boy. Yep, you heard me right, trying for 1 more, just to see if we can add some testostorone to our house. I did have my IUD taken out a couple of months and its kind of been iffy. One day I really want another child and then something happens and its like what was I thinking? Really, you want to start over? Diapers, babysitting, crying, a bunch of baby stuff all over, ect. And then I see a little baby and I hold one, and man those thoughts all go away. They are so cute, they snuggle, you can dress them anyway you want and they don't care, they don't talk back,,ahhh so sweet. And then you hear the hubby say that in his finance class that he is taking it cost $100k to raise a child. What 1 child, I have 2, that is 200k$ OMG!!!!! Then its over that ahh they are so cute feeling goes away really fast and the money sign hits you straight in the forehead. Yep, I can't make up my mind what to do.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Some relaxing time with the Family!
This weekend was awesome, we got alot of time with baby Brielle, and all of us soaked her up. She is so sweet, and smells so good. She is such a good baby, hardly cries, lets you hold her all you want and doesn't talk back. We also spent some time shopping (The Idahians favorite thing to do in Utah), and of course just hung out. We got our beef back (Thank you Mike and Uncle Kelly for hauling it all down), we are so excited, fresh, hormone free meat. You can't get better than that. On Sunday we hung up our Christmas lights. I think poor Rhandie got tired of listening to me complain every year about not having Christmas lights. He was hillarious hanging them up, some of the time I was in tears from laughing so hard at him. He was trying to figure out how to make the current lights we had stretch all the way around the front of the house. At one point we got stuck and had to re configure it, but figured it out. He had to conquor his fear of heights and climb up on a ladder to reach the top of our house. I of course had this genius idea for him just to climb onto the roof and lean over to hang the lights. He busted up laughing at me and told me he isn't Peter Parker (Spiderman), and that idea had DEATH written all over it. Needless to say he climbed the ladder instead. Our house looks so good and I am so happy. The girls when they saw it were so excited, they both told him "Thank You"!! Awww simple pleasures that make his girls happy! Thanks Babe!
Have I told you lately how wonderful my parents are and my parents in laws are???? There is no way I could do without them. My mom watched Aya while we figured out the lights, and they had a blast. When we got back to my parents house all I heard was how much fun they had, they played games, made Jell-o, the dog was chasing them and they were running, they didn't stop. My dad as well, he is helping my hubby install a new water heater tonight in our house. Our water heater decided now would be a good time to go out. I can always count on my parents and Mother and Father in Law, they are amazing. I love you all and thank you so much for loving us as much as you do and for taking care of our kids. I could never thank you enough!!!
Have I told you lately how wonderful my parents are and my parents in laws are???? There is no way I could do without them. My mom watched Aya while we figured out the lights, and they had a blast. When we got back to my parents house all I heard was how much fun they had, they played games, made Jell-o, the dog was chasing them and they were running, they didn't stop. My dad as well, he is helping my hubby install a new water heater tonight in our house. Our water heater decided now would be a good time to go out. I can always count on my parents and Mother and Father in Law, they are amazing. I love you all and thank you so much for loving us as much as you do and for taking care of our kids. I could never thank you enough!!!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Wiped Out!
Lately I have been wiped out, I think that its all the volunteer stuff I have been doing, but I tell you what the next couple of months I am taking off. I am just going to chill with the hubby and kids. Watch more TV, Spend more time playing games, and not worrying about everything else. Let others figure out their life, plans, moving, cleaning, donating time all of that, I am taking some down time. I feel lately that I have been doing alot of stuff for others and now it is time for my family. Hubby promised me this weekend a nice steak dinner (compliments of Aunt Sherry and Uncle Kelly's cow), some redbox movies and maybe I can talk him into a nice massage too. So just to let you know if you need someone to clean call Daisy Maids, if you need someone to help you move call U-Haul and get it taken care of and if you are feeling like griping call your therapist. I will reconsider helping and donating more time after the Holliday's. I know it is the time to give, but I feel like my family has been giving the entire year. On another note, the girls and hubby will be excited to have me home more and not running around like a chicken with her head cut off.
Amaya and Jaycee can't wait for Christmas. We went over to Cleo's house for Halloween and Amaya was jealous that their Christmas tree was up. She really wants this to start. Amaya went over to Lolas house and begged her to put up the Christmas tree so thats what they were doing today. She then reminded me we need to put presents under it. I know Aya, lets wait til mommy has money.
Jaycee has been doing really well in school, she doesn't really like going every day, but she is doing it. She has been better with her sister too and they play well.
Amaya and Jaycee can't wait for Christmas. We went over to Cleo's house for Halloween and Amaya was jealous that their Christmas tree was up. She really wants this to start. Amaya went over to Lolas house and begged her to put up the Christmas tree so thats what they were doing today. She then reminded me we need to put presents under it. I know Aya, lets wait til mommy has money.
Jaycee has been doing really well in school, she doesn't really like going every day, but she is doing it. She has been better with her sister too and they play well.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Day 11 - Another picture of you and your friends
Day 11 - Another picture of you and your friends
This picture that I am going to add is actually of one of my really good friends that is pretty much like family. I have known her for a while and I spend quite a bit of time with her at work and out of work. Her name is Jeanine. The picture is about her taking us to Red Butte Garden (Garden after Dark). This is something that the girls love to do and Jeanine makes it happen every year! The garden is decorated for Halloween, the kids get to dress up, do crafts and this year they had a bunch for the kids to do. The picture is Jeanine helping Jaycee create a vampire on her pumpkin. The kids got to pick out a pumpkin and paint it. So cute! I know she hates pictures but I love her so much and I had to do it. (Yes, Neeners you can kill me later). This was the first time Amaya got to participate, the last couple of years, I didn't want to drag her out in the cold knowing that I would end up carrying her the whole time. I waited til she was older. Jaycee on the other hand has went every year, this is one of her favorite events she gets to attend, I think her favorite part is all the activities, but after we go to McCools, and all I heard was about their Macaroni and Cheese wedges. Her favorite. It's some good times. We got to enjoy the time with Maria Suchil and Jeanine. I love you guys, thank you for making this a wonderful event. I know the girls and I really appreciate it and look forward to this.
Day 12 - How you found out about blogs and why you made one
I found out about blogging through my Aunt Sherry, she was telling me one day about a friend of hers that would blog and then at the end of the year she would have the blog printed up as a scrapbook. This kinda interested me and it made me think, but I really didn't put one together until I read a friend at works blog., this was such an interesting girl that is so cute and works with us, but it really got to me when I started reading about what happened to her daughter. It made me sad to read it, she inspired me through her writing, and thats how it came about. I thought hmmm maybe this would be good to keep people (friends and family) informed about what is going on in our day to day life and have some updated pictures of the family. We have family all over the world. Some in Idaho, San Francisco, NJ, NY, the Phillipines and then other places as well, so I figured when they wanted to check in on us this would be an easy way.
This picture that I am going to add is actually of one of my really good friends that is pretty much like family. I have known her for a while and I spend quite a bit of time with her at work and out of work. Her name is Jeanine. The picture is about her taking us to Red Butte Garden (Garden after Dark). This is something that the girls love to do and Jeanine makes it happen every year! The garden is decorated for Halloween, the kids get to dress up, do crafts and this year they had a bunch for the kids to do. The picture is Jeanine helping Jaycee create a vampire on her pumpkin. The kids got to pick out a pumpkin and paint it. So cute! I know she hates pictures but I love her so much and I had to do it. (Yes, Neeners you can kill me later). This was the first time Amaya got to participate, the last couple of years, I didn't want to drag her out in the cold knowing that I would end up carrying her the whole time. I waited til she was older. Jaycee on the other hand has went every year, this is one of her favorite events she gets to attend, I think her favorite part is all the activities, but after we go to McCools, and all I heard was about their Macaroni and Cheese wedges. Her favorite. It's some good times. We got to enjoy the time with Maria Suchil and Jeanine. I love you guys, thank you for making this a wonderful event. I know the girls and I really appreciate it and look forward to this.
Day 12 - How you found out about blogs and why you made one
I found out about blogging through my Aunt Sherry, she was telling me one day about a friend of hers that would blog and then at the end of the year she would have the blog printed up as a scrapbook. This kinda interested me and it made me think, but I really didn't put one together until I read a friend at works blog., this was such an interesting girl that is so cute and works with us, but it really got to me when I started reading about what happened to her daughter. It made me sad to read it, she inspired me through her writing, and thats how it came about. I thought hmmm maybe this would be good to keep people (friends and family) informed about what is going on in our day to day life and have some updated pictures of the family. We have family all over the world. Some in Idaho, San Francisco, NJ, NY, the Phillipines and then other places as well, so I figured when they wanted to check in on us this would be an easy way.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Oh Snow Snow Please Go Away Fast!
For the last couple of days we have gotten snow. The first day it was okay, it came and went. This one today, argh the roads are wet, it's cold, it's miserable...... But if you are children what does this mean????? Play time. Yep you guessed it, the girls were up getting their snow suits on, their heavy coats, beanies and they were out the door. The only thing that they dont have are snow boots. I need to go get them some that fit. Every year they outgrow all the winter stuff so we get the priveledge of buying new stuff yippee... Boy winter stuff can get expensive, good thing I have two girls and the second one always gets the hand me downs. It was so cute. We then went and picked up the other kids to take them to school, they were out building a snow man or girl (Don't know yet, it's not finished), the last one they made was a girl and her name was Jeanine. It was awesome, considering I have a wonderful friend name Jeanine. The girls will probably have one made in our yard soon. I will update pics of them all dressed in their snow gear!!
Day 10 - Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad
Songs that I listen to? I don't really have any specific ones. I do like "The Danger Zone" (soundtrack to Top Gun), I jam this song and yep I drive really fast. A song when I am sad would have to be the song they played at my grandpas funeral ("You lift me up" by Josh Groben) or the one by Carrie Underwood ("Temporary Home"). Good songs, but sad. When I am mad and I hear that one song (I hate everything about you" oh yeah that one just makes me extra mad, or the "Bitch Song" by Merideth Brooks love it. Hmm... When I am happy it can just be any song, doesn't really matter. And when I am bored I love to just turn on the music and have little Amaya and Jaycee start singing and it makes my day. Rock band is a favorite in my house!!!!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Day 09 - Something you’re proud of in the past few days
I am really proud of being able to donate my time to friends and family. I don't have money I can give them, but I do donate alot of my time to helping them with fundraisers, moving, any thing that I have outgrown (baby stuff) ect. I am pretty proud when they ask and I can do things to help out, it really makes me feel good. Lately its been more about friends that I am helping more than family, but I am always there when either needs me.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Day 08 - Short term goals for this month and why
The list of my short term goals for this month.
1: Try to eat less sugar and exercise more. (I got a bunch of peanut butter M&M's for my birthday, so the less sugar thing is out the door).
2: Keep up on this blog for the next 30 days, just to see if I can do it or not.
3: Try to get out of my house on time so that we can pick up the other kids and take them all to school a the same time.
4: Try to be more patient with my kids and husband, I know that they try hard to make me happy.
5: Get through training for my new temporary position without complaining.
Okay that is enough goals for one month lol!
1: Try to eat less sugar and exercise more. (I got a bunch of peanut butter M&M's for my birthday, so the less sugar thing is out the door).
2: Keep up on this blog for the next 30 days, just to see if I can do it or not.
3: Try to get out of my house on time so that we can pick up the other kids and take them all to school a the same time.
4: Try to be more patient with my kids and husband, I know that they try hard to make me happy.
5: Get through training for my new temporary position without complaining.
Okay that is enough goals for one month lol!
Monday, October 18, 2010
Day 07 - A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you


Wow something or someone who inspires me. I have quite a bit of people and things that inspire me. My friends, my family of course, and then there is the greater power that also is there. I am not very religious, but I do believe that there is someone greater than any of us out there. I do believe because of all that my family and friends have been through and the stories they have told. I do pray sometimes, not as much as I should but I am always thinking of that person high in the sky. I do thank him for all the things he has done for all of us, sometimes I can't believe that he lets some stuff happen, but thats not my call
Day 06 - Favorite super hero and why
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Day 05 - A picture of somewhere you’ve been to
Well we just got back from Lake Powell so I am just waiting to get some current pictures, I already have pictures on here from Vegas, and San Francisco that we went to earlier this year!
Friday, October 15, 2010
Days 3 & 4 combined!
Day 03 - A picture of you and your friends
Yes I am a slacker, I didn't get a chance to update yesterday. I am trying to get as much time in as possible at work so I can have some money! I went home last night and crashed on my bed and fell asleep til morning. Can you say Tired? I will update a picture I promise tonight. The one I have in mind is actually from Junior High. I am still friends and still keep in contact with the girls in this picture, I just need to find it and scan it.
Day 04 - A habit that you wish you didn’t have
Hmm this is not a tough question, because I have lots of habits that I wish I didn't have. Maybe we will just go down the list....
1: Twirling my hair, yes I have picked this dirty habit up from my mother and now I can't stop. Whats really bad is now little Amaya is picking it up to. At night you will see her twirl her hair to go to sleep. This habit drives Rhandie crazy!
2: I am a candy freak and so is Amaya, I have trained her well. We need to have sweets. Even in the morning, when I stop to get coffee (with lots of vanilla creamer and lots of sugar), my little mini me has to have her slurperee(slurpee) in the mornings. Yep we even slipped a couple of times and got her the coke one. Bad mommy!
3: Jealousy, I know I hate to admit this one but I am a very jealous girl. IF I even think you have something for my cute little hubby, I have no problem putting you in your place. I know this is something I wish I didn't have and believe me Rhandie would like this to disappear too.
Hmm maybe thats it, unless I have something else in the future I can think of.
Yes I am a slacker, I didn't get a chance to update yesterday. I am trying to get as much time in as possible at work so I can have some money! I went home last night and crashed on my bed and fell asleep til morning. Can you say Tired? I will update a picture I promise tonight. The one I have in mind is actually from Junior High. I am still friends and still keep in contact with the girls in this picture, I just need to find it and scan it.
Day 04 - A habit that you wish you didn’t have
Hmm this is not a tough question, because I have lots of habits that I wish I didn't have. Maybe we will just go down the list....
1: Twirling my hair, yes I have picked this dirty habit up from my mother and now I can't stop. Whats really bad is now little Amaya is picking it up to. At night you will see her twirl her hair to go to sleep. This habit drives Rhandie crazy!
2: I am a candy freak and so is Amaya, I have trained her well. We need to have sweets. Even in the morning, when I stop to get coffee (with lots of vanilla creamer and lots of sugar), my little mini me has to have her slurperee(slurpee) in the mornings. Yep we even slipped a couple of times and got her the coke one. Bad mommy!
3: Jealousy, I know I hate to admit this one but I am a very jealous girl. IF I even think you have something for my cute little hubby, I have no problem putting you in your place. I know this is something I wish I didn't have and believe me Rhandie would like this to disappear too.
Hmm maybe thats it, unless I have something else in the future I can think of.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Day 02 - The meaning behind your Blog name
This one is a plain jane answer... My blog name says it all inthelifeoftheubans, yep just to give friends and family info about whats going on in our day to day life. When I have time to update the stuff and if I have the new pictures updated on my computer. This 30 day challenge is really going to keep me current, maybe I should do this a little more often.
Other than that little piece of our blog name and what its about, lets update on the new info we are going through.
Jaycee has been out of school for the last couple of weeks, she is happy, and we are enjoying our time with her being off. She gets to go entertain Amaya at Lolas house and occasionally she gets to spend time with her friend TJ.
Amaya is growing like a weed, she loves to spend time with her sister and mom and dad. She is currently into doing the "Black Rosary" this month with Lola. They are having fun with it! She is very entertaining and can't wait to be big like Jaycee so she can do all the same things.
Rhandie has been really busy with school. He went back to get a Business Degree with the Pheonix College. He is doing really well and so far is getting A's. Go honey.
I on the other hand am just trying to keep it all together. Right now I am doing what everyone else is doing and trying to put in more hours at work, considering Christmas is coming up. All the kids love it, this is their favorite holiday and the parents on the other hand dread it. Christmas comes so fast and leaves as fast as it comes, the only thing is, is that you are so broke after wards. Your bank account never recovers after the Holidays. Oh well what ever makes our kids happy we do right?
That is what we are up to. Nothing really crazy or dramatic just living the life of the ubans!
Other than that little piece of our blog name and what its about, lets update on the new info we are going through.
Jaycee has been out of school for the last couple of weeks, she is happy, and we are enjoying our time with her being off. She gets to go entertain Amaya at Lolas house and occasionally she gets to spend time with her friend TJ.
Amaya is growing like a weed, she loves to spend time with her sister and mom and dad. She is currently into doing the "Black Rosary" this month with Lola. They are having fun with it! She is very entertaining and can't wait to be big like Jaycee so she can do all the same things.
Rhandie has been really busy with school. He went back to get a Business Degree with the Pheonix College. He is doing really well and so far is getting A's. Go honey.
I on the other hand am just trying to keep it all together. Right now I am doing what everyone else is doing and trying to put in more hours at work, considering Christmas is coming up. All the kids love it, this is their favorite holiday and the parents on the other hand dread it. Christmas comes so fast and leaves as fast as it comes, the only thing is, is that you are so broke after wards. Your bank account never recovers after the Holidays. Oh well what ever makes our kids happy we do right?
That is what we are up to. Nothing really crazy or dramatic just living the life of the ubans!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Kendra you have inspired me once again!

This little (BIG) challenge that a friend of mine is doing sounded kinda fun, so I thought I would try it on my blog and see if I can stick to it. I know I usually don't get past the first couple of days on these things, so we will see if its something I can finish. It's a 30 day blog challenge. Yes write about this stuff for the next 30 days. Here it goes, this is the agenda!
Day 01 - A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself
Day 02 - The meaning behind your Blog name
Day 03 - A picture of you and your friends
Day 04 - A habit that you wish you didn’t have
Day 05 - A picture of somewhere you’ve been to
Day 06 - Favorite super hero and why
Day 07 - A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you
Day 08 - Short term goals for this month and why
Day 09 - Something you’re proud of in the past few days
Day 10 - Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad
Day 11 - Another picture of you and your friends
Day 12 - How you found out about blogs and why you made one
Day 13 - A letter to someone who has hurt you recently
Day 14 - A picture of you and your family
Day 15 - Put your iPod on shuffle: First 10 songs that play
Day 16 - Another picture of yourself
Day 17 - Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
Day 18 - Plans/dreams/goals you have
Day 19 - Nicknames you have; why do you have them
Day 20 - Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future
Day 21 - A picture of something that makes you happy
Day 22 - What makes you different from everyone else
Day 23 - Something you crave for a lot
Day 24 - A letter to your parents
Day 25 - What I would find in your bag
Day 26 - What you think about your friends
Day 27 - Why are you doing this 30 day challenge
Day 28 - A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?
Day 29 - In this past month, what have you learned
Day 30 - Who are you?
So for my day 1 an interesting picture of myself, hmmm I am at work and now I am going to have to find something or maybe post it tonight.
The 15 interesting facts about me hmm.....
1-I am a mother of two beautiful girls who I have managed to keep alive
2-I kill all living things, mostly plants, fish and frogs thats why I said I am glad that my kids are still alive lol
3-I love gory stuff, blood and guts excite me.
4-I am an ambulance/firetruck chaser, I have to know whats going on.
5- I can have a really crude sense of humor, yes I have learned it from some of my friends!
6-You can't get any whiter than me!
7- If you fall I will laugh and then pick you up, but first I will get my humor out of it.
8-I am not a prissy girl. I mow the lawn, I scoop up dog poo and horse poo, and clean up all my kids messes. I think I learned not to be grossed out when I did my CNA training.
9- I have mad road rage. Yes, my dad says that I need to stop, but that would mean that people would have to stop pissing me off.
10-I can talk! Okay alot.
11-If you are having a bad day come over sit next to me and I know I will do something dumb to chear you up, its the blondness.
12-I tip over when I am on my motorcycle, I run into walls,doors, just about anything, I fall down stairs, I am a very clumsy girl.
13- hmmm what else? I love to do crafts, but I hardly ever stick to one thing. I will have multiple things going on at any given time.
14-I could eat cookie dough, brownie mix, cake mix batter all gone without cooking it.
15- I use to be a skinny little thing with no stretch marks and be a really quiet girl before I got married and had kids, now I am sorry to say I am anything but little with stretch marks and I am very talkative. You will know when I am around.
I hope this gives you a laugh, just remember its all TRUE!!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Justin and Karenza for the most amazing Lake Powell Trip Ever!!
Yes we went to the amazing Lake Powell and we were in aww! My little brother Justin(not so little anymore, he towers over me)and his girlfriend Karenza are working down there (I don't think we will ever get them to come home). Anyways they hooked us up with an awesome houseboat and speedboat for 7 days. The houseboat was litterally home away from home. It had three full bedrooms a full kitchen, two bathrooms a living room and then also an upstairs bar and slide. Talk about fun!!! The girls were in heaven, loved the water, swam like fish, and slept really good, all I can say is perfect! They also loved being out on the speed boat, we spent alot of time kneeboarding, wakeboarding, tubing, fishing, and sun tanning. Every morning Jaycee got up got her swimming clothes on and was ready to jump in the water, Amaya soon followed her footsteps and they would both be out most of the time before breakfast. The whole family had a blast. Justin and Karenza were awesome entertainment, they helped with everything including the kids and Jaycee was even begging us to leave her there so that they could be her parents lol. Wow, I was a little hurt, but you know Jaycee living by water, having a boat whenever you want, tubbing, and fishing what else would she want right? That is a Jaycee for you! I did try and talk Justin into keeping the girls and he politly said NO, ha ha ha okay I will try again next time. My parents were there as well as Jeff, Lisa and AJ. We all had the best time. We did catch a lot of fish and the girls had a great time catching them with Jaycee's scooby do fishing pole and Amaya's barbie fishing pole, I think they had the best luck of all, I did end up taking over the barbie pole at the end of the trip. Rhandie said if I am a good girl he will get me one of my own! You know hunny my birthday is coming up lol. This was Rhandie and Amaya's first time to Lake Powell and you should have seen their face when we finally got there. It was exciting!! Karenza took some amazing pictures I will post as soon as I get them back from her, and you can see how much enjoyment we all had.
Maybe next year we will get to do it again!!! Thank you to my brother and Karenza for making this happen, there is no way we would have been able to do this without you! Not to mention you both have some awesome tans going on. We love you guys so much and can't wait to see you soon!!!!
Maybe next year we will get to do it again!!! Thank you to my brother and Karenza for making this happen, there is no way we would have been able to do this without you! Not to mention you both have some awesome tans going on. We love you guys so much and can't wait to see you soon!!!!
Friday, September 3, 2010
Random Thoughts!
Today I just have some random things to blog about. Here it goes, yes we celebrated our Anniversary!!! 6 wonderfully, amazing years together (this is what I say, Rhandie may beg to differ). We didn't really do much, other than go to Lagoon. We arrived about 1:30 and only stayed til about 7:30, yep we are old lol! We went on a a couple of rides and then felt sick, our brains did get shaken baby syndrome and our bellys just didn't feel right. We will leave that stuff to the kids. However on a different note Jaycee and Clint actually went on the same day, totally not planned. We did have a good time just hanging out and going on rides.
We did finally get our pictures done, Yipppeeee! Its been forever. I think the last time we had a family picture done was when Jaycee was about 3-4 years old. Yep she is almost 10, so that tells you how long its been. Sorry Amaya, this is your first. The photographer did an awesome job, thank you so much Steph! You can check them out at she is amazing, and worked very well with us. I have alot of favorites so yeah I can't just pick one.
This weekend we are suppose to go to Idaho, yep you heard right, Idaho. We love that place. So relaxing, peaceful and of course some of our Most Favorite People are there. We all can't wait to meet our newest family member little Brielle. I have quite a library of picures on my phone, but I haven't gotten to hold her yet, I am dying, I need to hold her and smell her head. Yes you heard right, I have this facination with smelling their heads. I still do it to this day poor Amaya, I think that I have done it so long to her that she doesn't even notice anymore. I am a little worried because this morning when the girls woke up they had a little cough, yikes. Never fails! Everytime we are suppose to go on a vacation the girls get sick. Argh maybe I will just leave them at Aunt Sherry's so I can still see the baby.
Going back to this morning Amaya was in heaven. Her daddy was still there when she woke up and that means she gets to snuggle with him. I call her a little snuggle bug. She does perfer to snuggle next to Rhandie in the mornings but at night you better watch out she is all about mommy. If Rhandie even comes over to kiss her she will moan because she thinks he is going to put her to bed, she is so use to mommy putting her to bed.
Also my wonderful, hot hubby has started school, yep he is a school boy again. He is liking it and doing very well getting back into the swing of it. He has his little backpack, school supplies and his laptop, so cute to look at him. On Tuesdays we really don't get to see him because he works and then its straight to school he does't get hom til 10 at night, and yep we are all passed out by then. I am so proud of him! Way to go Hubby! I love you so much!
Back to us not really doing anything for our Anniversary, the reason being is because we are going to Lake Powell at the end of Sept. We need to save our money for that. Justin has hooked us up with a houseboat!!! I can't wait, plus my little monkeys are fish. They love the water and can spend the whole day just playing so I know they will get a kick out of it. We are also going to do some fishing while we are there. Amaya has never fished before, other than pulling the dead ones out of our fish tank. Rhandie has never been to Lake Powell, so its really exciting to him and then Jaycee of course loves to do anything but school. She hasn't been there for a long time, so it will be fun to compare pictures. Thanks so much Justin,can't wait to see you its been a long time!
I know that I have told you all that I would put new pics on, but I don't have new pics on my computer, hubby hasn't had the chance to upload the pics off the camera and put them on the computer, and frankly I am not smart enough to do it , sorry!
We did finally get our pictures done, Yipppeeee! Its been forever. I think the last time we had a family picture done was when Jaycee was about 3-4 years old. Yep she is almost 10, so that tells you how long its been. Sorry Amaya, this is your first. The photographer did an awesome job, thank you so much Steph! You can check them out at she is amazing, and worked very well with us. I have alot of favorites so yeah I can't just pick one.
This weekend we are suppose to go to Idaho, yep you heard right, Idaho. We love that place. So relaxing, peaceful and of course some of our Most Favorite People are there. We all can't wait to meet our newest family member little Brielle. I have quite a library of picures on my phone, but I haven't gotten to hold her yet, I am dying, I need to hold her and smell her head. Yes you heard right, I have this facination with smelling their heads. I still do it to this day poor Amaya, I think that I have done it so long to her that she doesn't even notice anymore. I am a little worried because this morning when the girls woke up they had a little cough, yikes. Never fails! Everytime we are suppose to go on a vacation the girls get sick. Argh maybe I will just leave them at Aunt Sherry's so I can still see the baby.
Going back to this morning Amaya was in heaven. Her daddy was still there when she woke up and that means she gets to snuggle with him. I call her a little snuggle bug. She does perfer to snuggle next to Rhandie in the mornings but at night you better watch out she is all about mommy. If Rhandie even comes over to kiss her she will moan because she thinks he is going to put her to bed, she is so use to mommy putting her to bed.
Also my wonderful, hot hubby has started school, yep he is a school boy again. He is liking it and doing very well getting back into the swing of it. He has his little backpack, school supplies and his laptop, so cute to look at him. On Tuesdays we really don't get to see him because he works and then its straight to school he does't get hom til 10 at night, and yep we are all passed out by then. I am so proud of him! Way to go Hubby! I love you so much!
Back to us not really doing anything for our Anniversary, the reason being is because we are going to Lake Powell at the end of Sept. We need to save our money for that. Justin has hooked us up with a houseboat!!! I can't wait, plus my little monkeys are fish. They love the water and can spend the whole day just playing so I know they will get a kick out of it. We are also going to do some fishing while we are there. Amaya has never fished before, other than pulling the dead ones out of our fish tank. Rhandie has never been to Lake Powell, so its really exciting to him and then Jaycee of course loves to do anything but school. She hasn't been there for a long time, so it will be fun to compare pictures. Thanks so much Justin,can't wait to see you its been a long time!
I know that I have told you all that I would put new pics on, but I don't have new pics on my computer, hubby hasn't had the chance to upload the pics off the camera and put them on the computer, and frankly I am not smart enough to do it , sorry!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Home Sweet Home, boy do we all miss you!
It feels like we have been around the world for the past month and 1/2. We traveled to San Francisco, had a blast. Went to Idaho for two consecutive weekends in a row and of course had a blast, and last of all went to Las Vegas and had a blast. Yes, its time for us to stay home for a while and just recoop. The kids are tired, I am tired and yes the hubby who loves his house is tired. Our next trip will just be for the adults going back to Vegas the end of August. It's a trip worth waiting for.
The last trip to Vegas in which the whole family went was kinda crazy. I swear everytime we go on vacation someone gets sick. For Jaycee it was San Francisco, in which she was miserable, and for poor Aya it was Vegas. Aya came down with a head cold the night before, we were thinking of just bagging the trip and staying home, but the girls were totally psyched to go, so we packed up the SUV and headed to Vegas. Anyone who knows Amaya knows that she hates to take medicine. She won't take it to save her life, its a big fight and usually ends up in a throw up mess. It didn't change on this trip, we begged, we bribed, we fought we tried to say it was candy, yep didn't work. It was hard, and even more hard for her. We did find a medicine and by adding it to Capri Sun and of course ice from the hotel vending machine turned out to be wonderful. She didn't even notice, she thought it was a special Juice made just for her, and yes it was. She would drink it like nothing and ask for more, what is that the same girl? What a disguise the Capri Sun did, whahooo! For the remainder of the night we hung out in front of the hotel at a place called the "Hawaiian Marketplace". Wow what a cool place. It has these outdoor vendors, a bunch of places to eat and of course Hawaiian dancers, what could be better. Well for Aya it would be not having her head hurt like crazy and being all stuffed up, she still enjoyd it and was begging to go back throughout the trip. She even tried to immitate the dancers shaking her hips and moving her hands, it was so cute. She has got moves. Jaycee was pretty entertained by the guy throwing fire and dancing around the fire. She went up and gave him a tip, I know we are starting out kids off early lol. We made it to M&M world, and to the Coke factory, by that time the kids were spent and was time to go back to the hotel and chill. We spent quite a bit of time in the hotel just hanging out. Rhandie on the other hand was in paradise. There was a ton of Filipino foods all around and he wasn't going hungry at all. He wanted to try everyone. We walked into a restaurant and immediatly Amaya and Jaycee smelled it and said, "We are not eating here," so funny, okay so we dropped off Lola and Rhandie and the two girls and I headed to KFC. Yeah thank goodness for the good old fried chicken. That was our deal we would drop off Lola and Rhandie and we would head somewhere else. That way everyone would be happy. We had fun, wish everyone was feeling good and it wasn't so hot. The temp there was over 100* argh, hot hot hot. It was funny to see the girls expressions when they saw all the naked girls photos laying all over the ground, hummm what do you tell the kids they are for. Just don't look at the ground keep your eyes up, I mean what can you say? They are everywhere and they are handing them out like candy, yep Vegas not a very kid friendly place. We also took the kids to the Adventure Dome in Circus Circus, they loved it. Totally cool place for kids.
Amaya did have her Dance Recital and yes she did awesome. So pretty and we went over her staying in her spot and also not trying to flash the audience. On the rehersal she didn't understand that lifting up her dress was so cute but not really appropriate, and staying in her line and not running over the other kids was also a good thing. On her recital she did perfect. She was even the "Leader" as Sabby called her. She had her moves down, stayed in her spot and no flashing. We did record it so you will all have to check it out. At the end she was pretty tired, but still went out there and shook her booty, man she was getting down and enjoying herself. So cute!!!!
It is just nice to be home and hopefully we can stay home for a while. Relax, enjoy the outdoors because right now in Utah the temps are staying in the mid 80*'s. Ahh sitting outside swinging with a popsicle. Yummy!!!
The last trip to Vegas in which the whole family went was kinda crazy. I swear everytime we go on vacation someone gets sick. For Jaycee it was San Francisco, in which she was miserable, and for poor Aya it was Vegas. Aya came down with a head cold the night before, we were thinking of just bagging the trip and staying home, but the girls were totally psyched to go, so we packed up the SUV and headed to Vegas. Anyone who knows Amaya knows that she hates to take medicine. She won't take it to save her life, its a big fight and usually ends up in a throw up mess. It didn't change on this trip, we begged, we bribed, we fought we tried to say it was candy, yep didn't work. It was hard, and even more hard for her. We did find a medicine and by adding it to Capri Sun and of course ice from the hotel vending machine turned out to be wonderful. She didn't even notice, she thought it was a special Juice made just for her, and yes it was. She would drink it like nothing and ask for more, what is that the same girl? What a disguise the Capri Sun did, whahooo! For the remainder of the night we hung out in front of the hotel at a place called the "Hawaiian Marketplace". Wow what a cool place. It has these outdoor vendors, a bunch of places to eat and of course Hawaiian dancers, what could be better. Well for Aya it would be not having her head hurt like crazy and being all stuffed up, she still enjoyd it and was begging to go back throughout the trip. She even tried to immitate the dancers shaking her hips and moving her hands, it was so cute. She has got moves. Jaycee was pretty entertained by the guy throwing fire and dancing around the fire. She went up and gave him a tip, I know we are starting out kids off early lol. We made it to M&M world, and to the Coke factory, by that time the kids were spent and was time to go back to the hotel and chill. We spent quite a bit of time in the hotel just hanging out. Rhandie on the other hand was in paradise. There was a ton of Filipino foods all around and he wasn't going hungry at all. He wanted to try everyone. We walked into a restaurant and immediatly Amaya and Jaycee smelled it and said, "We are not eating here," so funny, okay so we dropped off Lola and Rhandie and the two girls and I headed to KFC. Yeah thank goodness for the good old fried chicken. That was our deal we would drop off Lola and Rhandie and we would head somewhere else. That way everyone would be happy. We had fun, wish everyone was feeling good and it wasn't so hot. The temp there was over 100* argh, hot hot hot. It was funny to see the girls expressions when they saw all the naked girls photos laying all over the ground, hummm what do you tell the kids they are for. Just don't look at the ground keep your eyes up, I mean what can you say? They are everywhere and they are handing them out like candy, yep Vegas not a very kid friendly place. We also took the kids to the Adventure Dome in Circus Circus, they loved it. Totally cool place for kids.
Amaya did have her Dance Recital and yes she did awesome. So pretty and we went over her staying in her spot and also not trying to flash the audience. On the rehersal she didn't understand that lifting up her dress was so cute but not really appropriate, and staying in her line and not running over the other kids was also a good thing. On her recital she did perfect. She was even the "Leader" as Sabby called her. She had her moves down, stayed in her spot and no flashing. We did record it so you will all have to check it out. At the end she was pretty tired, but still went out there and shook her booty, man she was getting down and enjoying herself. So cute!!!!
It is just nice to be home and hopefully we can stay home for a while. Relax, enjoy the outdoors because right now in Utah the temps are staying in the mid 80*'s. Ahh sitting outside swinging with a popsicle. Yummy!!!
Monday, May 24, 2010
We are back!
I know we have been back for a little while now and still I have not logged on to tell you all how it went. It was awesome! The girls really enjoyed Circus Circus, and we ended up with a ton of stuffed animals. They played the games really well and Jaycee was super good at this Dog game where you have to get as many balls into his mouth to win. She won twice even against adults. Thats my girl, you go girl. Amaya loved the entertainment.
We then stayed at my in laws and it was fun, the girls got to play alot with their little cousin, and even fought over who got to play with him. We had to remind them that he wasn't going anywhere and that they need to learn to share him. We celebrated his first birthday and spent alot of time with the family at the Wharf. We ate at Bubba Gumps Shrimp Restaurant, played at the Warf, took a boat tour under the Golden Gate Bridge & around Alcatraz. It was amazing. I do wish that poor Jaycee was feeling better. She got sick at the time that we left the house on our road trip. We made it to Wendover and she started in with a bad cold, fever, and massive coughing. We had her on a bunch of meds to try and help her feel better, didn't work that well. She just wanted to stay in and sleep.
Rhandie was in heaven with all the filipino food that was in the area, he wanted to eat every two hours. We even got food to go and took some back home.
It was really fun just getting out of Utah and taking the kids to see other places. In June it will be crazy for the first two weekends we will be in Idaho, and then the last weekend we are going back to California.
Jaycee is out of school for the next three weeks, she is so excited. And little Amayas dance rehersal is coming up around the 18th of June. She got her costume and is so excited. I can't wait, my kids are growing up so fast and they are doing really fun things right now that is so exciting. I love being a mommy!!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
It's Almost Cali Time!
We can't wait, it's coming up so fast, I know I know you have heard it now for a while but we are going to San Francisco in May. We are stopping over in Reno, and staying in Circus Circus for the kids to play. Last time we went Amaya was still pretty little and really didn't enjoy it like the rest of us, so its her turn now. We are hoping to take the ferry to Alcatraz and see the place, and then there is somewhere else that it goes to. I am totally stoked.
Anywayz so for the rest of whats going on in our lives is Jaycee passed her Tae Kwon Do test and is now a white/yellow belt. I will post pictures as well. She did so good and of course grammy, papa, lola, Clint, Rhandie, Amaya and I were all there cheering her on. Traci and her family got to watch too, they were excited to see her do it and said she did really well. Its so awesome watching your kids achieve what they work so hard for. We are all so proud of her and she is gaining a lot of confidence as well by taking this class.
Amaya has also been working hard in dance, she will be getting her costume soon and we will be doing pictures. Her recital comes up in June and I will keep everyone posted so they can come and watch. She is really excited and of course loves the attention.
Rhandie and I have been going out on some double or triple dates with some new friends we have made at work.... Okay so I have made, Rhandie already knew them. They are awesome and its great to make new friends. We do have terrific friends, they are wonderful people and we are so glad that they are now in our lives. We have also been working alot on our yard to make it look so nice, its coming but is a ton of work. It seems it never ends. I hope to make our yard look as nice as all the old retired peoples around here. I get so jealous that they have not 1 weed in the yard and the grass is perfect, what can you say when you have a bunch of time on your hands.
One of the friends that we have made lost their little girl in December, and they are such wonderful people. They are going to do a huge 1st birthday party for their little girl and all proceeds that they get are going to research for SMA. I am going to invite everyone I know, I really want them to get as much money as possible to go towards this fund. Their family is so cute and daughter is adorable. No parent should ever have to lose a child due to money to fund research to stop this rare disease. I hope you all check out her blog and if you can please donate and help us get money to fund the research on this. This family deserves it all, they are such beautiful people. Check out her blog at, she is also collecting little leggins for the kids in Primary Childrens Hospital. You go Kendra, your wonderful.
Well thats about all I hope to post pics soon when we get back from our trip.
Anywayz so for the rest of whats going on in our lives is Jaycee passed her Tae Kwon Do test and is now a white/yellow belt. I will post pictures as well. She did so good and of course grammy, papa, lola, Clint, Rhandie, Amaya and I were all there cheering her on. Traci and her family got to watch too, they were excited to see her do it and said she did really well. Its so awesome watching your kids achieve what they work so hard for. We are all so proud of her and she is gaining a lot of confidence as well by taking this class.
Amaya has also been working hard in dance, she will be getting her costume soon and we will be doing pictures. Her recital comes up in June and I will keep everyone posted so they can come and watch. She is really excited and of course loves the attention.
Rhandie and I have been going out on some double or triple dates with some new friends we have made at work.... Okay so I have made, Rhandie already knew them. They are awesome and its great to make new friends. We do have terrific friends, they are wonderful people and we are so glad that they are now in our lives. We have also been working alot on our yard to make it look so nice, its coming but is a ton of work. It seems it never ends. I hope to make our yard look as nice as all the old retired peoples around here. I get so jealous that they have not 1 weed in the yard and the grass is perfect, what can you say when you have a bunch of time on your hands.
One of the friends that we have made lost their little girl in December, and they are such wonderful people. They are going to do a huge 1st birthday party for their little girl and all proceeds that they get are going to research for SMA. I am going to invite everyone I know, I really want them to get as much money as possible to go towards this fund. Their family is so cute and daughter is adorable. No parent should ever have to lose a child due to money to fund research to stop this rare disease. I hope you all check out her blog and if you can please donate and help us get money to fund the research on this. This family deserves it all, they are such beautiful people. Check out her blog at, she is also collecting little leggins for the kids in Primary Childrens Hospital. You go Kendra, your wonderful.
Well thats about all I hope to post pics soon when we get back from our trip.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Happy Easter!
Today is a beautiful day, got to sleep in til 8 this morning and then the kids started in on their Easter basket. They tore into them and yes got everything. We as a family got the movie "The Princess and the Frog, and Wii Resort".
Did finally get time to make breakfast and get ready for the day, then headed off to my parents house for some more egg finding and the kids got another Easter basket. Talk about candy, I don't have the mentality to say No. I like to eat it all and yes my butt grows bigger... Okay and my belly and thighs and everything else. Candy is my weakness!!!
We will be staying and having dinner with my parents and chillin for the rest of the day. I am hoping for a nap.
Well I want to just say that I am so happy to have my family for holidays and just any day. Last night I told my parents that we were just going to move in since we are here everyday anyway. They just laughed, me on the other hand was serious. Think about it, sharing a house payment and the bills with 4 incomes, man we could do some serious vacations and traveling. Maybe at a later date it will happen. LOL!
Did finally get time to make breakfast and get ready for the day, then headed off to my parents house for some more egg finding and the kids got another Easter basket. Talk about candy, I don't have the mentality to say No. I like to eat it all and yes my butt grows bigger... Okay and my belly and thighs and everything else. Candy is my weakness!!!
We will be staying and having dinner with my parents and chillin for the rest of the day. I am hoping for a nap.
Well I want to just say that I am so happy to have my family for holidays and just any day. Last night I told my parents that we were just going to move in since we are here everyday anyway. They just laughed, me on the other hand was serious. Think about it, sharing a house payment and the bills with 4 incomes, man we could do some serious vacations and traveling. Maybe at a later date it will happen. LOL!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
I know I know....
I haven't blogged for a while, okay for about a month. I tell ya sometimes life is so crazy busy that we don't have time to update. Here I go again. I have to tell you all about the last month, and everything that has happened.
First I want to say that Jaycee is doing so well in her Tae Kwon Do class, she is advancing and picking up on the moves so fast. Its amazing to see how far she comes every time she has class. She has also been off for a month and I tell ya she has enjoyed every moment of not going to school. She doesn't want to go back, aww sad. I reminded her that she has to go all the way to 12th grade. Her reaction was "I'm going to die, that is too long and I don't think I can handle it". I just started laughing and by the way she didn't think it was funny that I was laughing. Well its life girlfriend, sorry! I will update some pictures of her in her uniform, they are so cute.
Now Princess Amaya on the other hand is learning her dance moves and I think that she watches who is watching her more than looking at her teacher. The other day the teacher had them all line up and sit down in a row, well Amaya decided she didn't want to sit on the end so she wiggled her way in the middle almost on another little girls lap. It was the funniest thing to watch, plenty of room on the end, but it wasn't the attention spot. She is excited that she will be performing her dance routine in May, and can't wait to show off for everyone.
In March it was Aunt Sherry's surprise 50th birthday that we attended in Idaho. The girls got a kick out of the funny stuff she got,and of course we all had to tell the crazy stories about back in the day. I reminded her of the dance routine that some of my crazy aunts put on and performed at Lagoon. The song was " She works hard for her Money", and I just remember my little innocent Aunt Sherry dressed like a hooker with a whip, and man could she crack it lol. Her sister also had to tell stories of her doing naughty things that her parents wouldn't approve, and she would drag her siblings into it so they couldn't tell on her. Wow, Why didn't I think of that. This is coming out now, now that I am an adult and don't have anyone to blackmail. We had such a great time and I know how happy was that we were all there to share the special time with her. We love you Aunt Sherry!
We also had my little niece Rivers birthday. She turned 3, and man does she have the attitude to go with it. Dinomite does come in small packages, she is so cute and she loves to play with the girls. Amaya and her will disappear and finally when they come to, they are all dressed up with makeup and their hair done. They are little princesses. I love to watch all the kids together and when they don't fight its the best.
My Brother Justin decided to go back down to Lake Powell and work. We miss him so much, but know how much he loves doing what he does. He is a beach bum, and you can't keep him out of the water. He will be back in like October, but til then we will just have to wait til he either comes home for a break or we go there. I would really like to show the girls what Lake Powell is all about. It's such a beautiful place. Justin also had his birthday this month, we didn't get to see him, but knowing him I am sure he has some awesome pictures of what he did.
We did talk about going to San Francisco, and we decided that it will be in May. We are driving for 12 hours with two girls who love to fight in the back. Wish us luck, I know it is going to be insane, but worth the memories. We are planning to go out there for Baby Matthews 1st birthday. We haven't gotten to see him yet so this will be the first and we are so excited. We will stop in Reno and probably stay at Circus Circus so we can have a break and then drive the rest of the way.
In June it will be back to California, this time in Long Beach. I want to play at the beach and see the sun, have good weather, watch the girls play in the water, and just enjoy the time out there. California will be our place of travel this year. Rhandie will be the Godfather to one of his friends baby's so that why we are going out the second time, its not because we enjoy driving 12 hours every weekend, believe me. We will probably have to stop again, just for our sanity, because yes we are taking the girls both times. The second time will be easier because my wonderful Mother in Law will be with us so she can control the kids in the back. Yeah!
Last but not least, its almost Easter, 3 more days. We usually go to the fitness center for the Easter Egg Hunt, and then to my in laws and my parents for the rest of the party. They love to see the girls and let me tell ya, they get spoiled. Rhandz and I benefit from it too because we get to eat their candy... score! and most of its free, can't get better than that. Okay so I think that is enough updates for the moment, watch for more at a later date!
Saturday, March 6, 2010
I was wondering where time goes?
It feels like time is flying by, I just talked about Christmas and now wow, March is here. The weather is warming up, the kids can play outside, and the grass is starting to turn green (kind of, maybe its in my head). I am so excited for the day that Jaycee can spar in Tae Kwon Do, and to watch Amayas little dance recital. My kids remind me everyday that I am not getting any younger and that they are always growing and getting older . Can time just stop so we can enjoy each other and the moment? I look on the news and I wonder what their little world will be like when they are older. Its amazing how much happens in one day, if time stopped for a moment would everyone stop too? Would we take the time to tell someone we loved them or just watch and amire what awesome people are around us? I just don't ever want my loved ones to feel one ounce of pain, if I could endure everything just to take it away from one of them I would. If I could change the world I would, if I could wipe these monsters off the face of the earth I would, just to make sure that we are all okay. I hate hearing that people are dead because others don't know how to be humanly acceptable in this world, I only have one question Why? I can't understand how you can hurt someone and not feel remorseful. How can you kill another human being and walk away? When you are being sentenced to death, how can you sit there and show no emotion, or say that you are not guilty? Do you have a conscience? I am for the death penalty but not for how long it takes, if you are guilty and you get the death sentence, I believe it should be within 24 hrs, and boom your gone. Why is it that when the government does cuts they want to take it away from education? Have you not ever thought about getting rid of these worthless people already in Prison and kill them, that would save a ton of money. Why would you think about cutting the kids from learning? Me, I guess it will never make sence the reason somethings happen and others don't. I want this world to be a wonderful place for our kids and kids kids. I want to walk down the street and not have to worry about checking my back because anything can happen. I want my kids to be able to play outside by themselves without having to worry that some dispictful predator is watching them. I want life to be easy and the events that happen are good and fun to listen to and talk about. I have so much fun with my friends and family they are my life, everything revolves around them and I wish that I never have to sit here and write that something happens to them ever! I sit here and read others blogs and think wow I hope that I never have to feel like that or experience what they are going through. Life is never predictable, you just kind of go with the flow. I am trying to make myself be a better person everyday, to help people in need, to comfort a crying child, to make the pain go away, to make someone smile just because I am being myself. I do ask that all of you beautiful, wonderful people in this world do the same, take time for others and to make it a better place. If we can't rely on eachother, who else do we have?
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Some feelings about things in life...
I have often been wondering why life happens the way it happens, its kind of like you can't really explain it but just watch it go by. I have been thinking alot about why certain people die before others and wouldn't it be nicer if you actually all went to heaven at the same time instead of being sad that only certain people die at certain times. Why wouldnt families just go together, but then when would it end, its kinda like we are all linked some how. Just the way that it all works is wierd, and its kinda annoying. I have also been thinking about the fact that if we never died then when would it stop, the over population would their be a limit to how many people could actually be on the earth at one time, or would you never be able to have kids or your kids have kids? Its just amazing that you could never actually find out. Another note, if you could know when and how you were going to die would you want to know? Would you live your life any different, or would it make you feel that it was closer everyday and you would sulk in the fact? I keep playing all of these feelings and thoughts in my head and it makes me mad that I will never have any control over any of the unknown. One question I would have for God is why would you take children and young people over these dangerous people here on earth, why not give the kids a chance? Why make them stuffer and what is it for a life lesson, but when its all said and done, do we actually ever get over the feeling of missing some one you love and you wish you could love forever. I just look at all of these criminals and think wow what a waste of space and air, why not take them out of this world to let others who are great live? I don't know why I am thinking these thoughts, maybe because it kills me to see family and friends mourn the loss of the ones they love, and there is nothing you can do about it. You just sit there and tell them it will get easier, but how do you know, will it really or thats just what you have heard from dr's or people that have been through these kind of things in their life, or do we just walk around numb? Are we just waiting our turn to finally be with our loved ones again? Baffling and frustrating.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Time is Flying by!
I can't believe its already February tomorrow. It seems like Christmas and the holidays just got over. Training is over now and I am now doing my new position, it has really been nice, I feel like the nice guy again. I can actually say congrats and its my job, wow, what a neat experience.
Rhandie is still doing the same thing, which he really likes and he enjoys his team, so its good for him to stay there. On the second hand some of his co workers got him involved in this warfare computer game and he is totally addicted.
Jaycee has been doing really good in school and although she thinks that word is a bad word, she is doing great and she thinks she should be in 4th grade becuase she is so smart she got alot of a's on her report card! She constantly reminds me that she is smart and she thinks she is smarter than her parents. Jaycee also is going to start Tae Kwon Do soon, which she is totally stoked about.
Amaya is doing well too, she has a cold right now, as well as I do, but for the most part she is growing fast. She wants to be big like her sister and go to school. She is my little shopping buddy, I can take her anywhere and she doesnt complain about shopping, boy do I love that. My little Aya wants to be in dance so we need to get that going too.
I really want things to slow down, but the same time things to speed up so that it can be warm weather and we can play outside. I would love to start working on my yard again. This year I am going to finish the back yard and work on the front, so my yard looks as good as my retired neighbors. Thats really all thats going on for now. Kinda thinking about what to do for Valentines Day this year.
Rhandie is still doing the same thing, which he really likes and he enjoys his team, so its good for him to stay there. On the second hand some of his co workers got him involved in this warfare computer game and he is totally addicted.
Jaycee has been doing really good in school and although she thinks that word is a bad word, she is doing great and she thinks she should be in 4th grade becuase she is so smart she got alot of a's on her report card! She constantly reminds me that she is smart and she thinks she is smarter than her parents. Jaycee also is going to start Tae Kwon Do soon, which she is totally stoked about.
Amaya is doing well too, she has a cold right now, as well as I do, but for the most part she is growing fast. She wants to be big like her sister and go to school. She is my little shopping buddy, I can take her anywhere and she doesnt complain about shopping, boy do I love that. My little Aya wants to be in dance so we need to get that going too.
I really want things to slow down, but the same time things to speed up so that it can be warm weather and we can play outside. I would love to start working on my yard again. This year I am going to finish the back yard and work on the front, so my yard looks as good as my retired neighbors. Thats really all thats going on for now. Kinda thinking about what to do for Valentines Day this year.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Not really anything new......


Lets see so I thought I would blog a little bit.... I am trying to think of something to write. The only thing that crosses my mind is a vacation, or in other words some alone time with my hubby. Rhandz really wanted to go to wendover and see "Air Supply", but it sold out and training for me isn't done until next monday, so that is kinda out of the question. Maybe in Feb when its all over we can take a couple days and get away. I want to stay close and not spend too much money, so pretty much wendover or Idaho.... hmmmm we will see. The girls are doing really well considering I wake them up every morning early, they have been pretty good. This summer we would like to go spend some time in California preferably San Francisco and see some family, that is our goal, good thing that tax refunds are coming up. We also told Amaya when she is 5 yrs old we would take her to Disneyland, she really wants to see the princess', even Rhandz loves the girls (lol), Belle is his favorite. Last time we went I think that we have more footage of Belle than the family on the ride. I better watch out ha ha ha. So on that note we will be saving up for that vacation as well. I am really hoping I do well at this job so that we can have the money to put away. I am going to try hard to make it go well. Okay so until another update, well wishes for you all!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Is Training over with yet?
I am in training for a new position and I am exhausted. I think my family is feelin it too, I have to wake up early as well as wake my girls up, ahh we are not morning people. I feel that I have learned alot but I am more anxious to get on the phones and do it. The class thinks I am crazy because of the way I think and say things lol, oh well its me right? I am really missing my friends that I use to sit by too, they are thinking I abandon them, sorry I still love you all. And for my friends that I used to hang out with in the morning, I miss you all too. Everytime I think about complaining I think ya know it could be alot worse so Shari suck it up and deal with it. I have a healthy family, a house to live in, and food in our bellies so life pretty much is great. I didn't even have to cook today, or should I say Rhandie didn't have to cook tonight. My mom made an awesome turkey pot pie last night, so I just stopped by and picked up the leftovers, its one of the white girls favorites, the filipinos are wondering where the rice is at., she also gave us brownies so score we got both and there was no labor involved. Thanks mom! We also got to hit the gym and see my wonderful mother in law, she is so helpful and I am really greatful that we have grandparents, they are wonderful. I don't know what I would do without my parents and Rhandies parents, they are like angels! It must be a new year though because the gym was packed, wow the only machines open were the treadmills so I did that. It was nice just to go and work out for a little bit. I do feel so bad for Rhandz he passed out at 6:30 tonight, poor guy is exhausted. I tried to talk him into going in work later at like 7:30 instead of 6, but he insists on working that crazy morning shift. I hope to post some pics soon. Love you all and hopefully soon I will be bringing in the dough Yeah baby Yeah!!!!!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
The New Year so far has been wonderful!
The start of this year has pretty well been awesome. It has been kinda low key other than me training for a new position. The family has adjusted well to me working later in the afternoon, but I am feeling left out so I am going to be working days now and will be home earlier to help out more. Plus I love spending time outside of work chatting and visiting friends & family. I am looking forward to my normal schedule again and what I call normal life... being available to take Jaycee to school, drop off Amaya at lola's house, and then not having to stress about getting to work on time... normal to me is 9:30-4:30. I am right now on an 8am shift...waking up early, waking jaycee up early (which she is not a morning person), and then waking up Amaya lastly (who loves her sleep, and to wake up on her own, so yes she is yelling and crying in the morning), dropping off Jaycee to a wonderful friend of ours (Traci love ya), dropping off Amaya at lolas and then heading to work. Ahhh its been kinda hard. Last night however we did have a great time seeing our good friend Gor. He is so entertaining and I think he thinks the same of us. Amaya and Jaycee were showing off their mad skills on the wii and rockband. Then we lost his keys and we were looking all over the place, it was kinda fun! Anyway we always have a good time with him and we miss him.
Today is thursday its getting closer to friday which means that the weekend will be here soon, yippee! I don't have any plans, hubby would like to go see Avatar in 3D, so maybe we will do that . After this week I just want to relax and sleep in. For all you who know me knows that sleeping is one of my favorite things to do! I hope that you are all having a wonderful start to the New Year, and wish us all luck, money and health...
Today is thursday its getting closer to friday which means that the weekend will be here soon, yippee! I don't have any plans, hubby would like to go see Avatar in 3D, so maybe we will do that . After this week I just want to relax and sleep in. For all you who know me knows that sleeping is one of my favorite things to do! I hope that you are all having a wonderful start to the New Year, and wish us all luck, money and health...
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